Ohel Avraham (Tent of Abraham)
Part Two of “The Avraham Series” – 8 weeks pre-recorded course
Ohel Avraham Digital Series: The Path of the Ger
Course Description: Scripture teaches that the Covenant of G-d was forged with Abraham (Genesis 17:1-2) and that the descendants of Abraham would share in the same Covenant (Genesis 17:7-14). How is it possible for non-Jews to have a share in a Jewish Covenant? Who was Abraham? The Torah teaches that Abraham was a Gentile who became the first Jew. This course will focus on the righteous Gentiles and Jewish converts in relation to the Covenant of G-d.
Included are all of your videos for the entire course and the massive PDF notes. You will have instant access to these files as soon as you pay. Watch them on your own time here on the website, download them, hit the pause button, or rewind – all from the comfort of your home. You must be registered on our website with a valid login to watch and download content.
This course is Part Two of the series with Part One: “Ohel Avraham” (Tent of Abraham- sold separately). It has been edited and uploaded for your convenience without the live interactions of the class.
For more information on how to access files to view and download them, please click HERE.