Here is a list of books and websites for those journeying into Judaism and for those diving deeper into it. We hope this helps you in your studies. – Team Ya’aqov
Artscroll series Chumash/Tanakh
Jewish Publication Bible (JPB)
Koren Tanakh Version
To Be a Jew by: Hayim Donin
To Pray as a Jew by: Hayim Donin
The Book of Our Heritage Series by: Eliyahu Kitov
The Jewish Home by Eliyahu Kitov
The Garden of Emunah by Shalom Arush
How to Run a Traditional Jewish Household By: Blu Greenberg
Derech Eretz – A Torah guide to proper behavior in everyday life by Rabbi Shaul Wagschal
Faith and Trust–Sefer Mitzvath ha-Bitachon by Rabbi Shmuel Houminer
Torah Commentary for Women: Parsha in Pink – Weekly inspiration from the Parsha to ignite the lives and Hearts of Women Today by Rebbetzin Mindy Bodner-Lankry
Ramchal on the Parsha – series by Rabbi Herschel Berkin
Disclaimer: * We want to clarify that we have no affiliation with the organizations mentioned below. Our agreement with the content on each sect/denomination/organization’s website may vary. We are simply providing links to their sites to help you gain a general understanding of Judaism. Each link leads to a different sect/denomination/organization within mainstream Judaism. It is important to recognize that no single sect represents the entire scope of Judaism. Each denomination has its own interpretations of the Torah and its application in life. We encourage you to approach learning about each denomination with an open mind, in order to observe their differences and similarities firsthand without accepting everything at face value. Then, assess how each sect aligns or diverges with your own values and faith. Judaism encompasses a wide range of beliefs and practices, and while there is a fundamental unity among Jews, they cannot be categorized into a single mold. Just as other religions have various denominations with both differences and similarities, so too do the Jewish people in the way they practice and live out their faith.
The Orthodox Union
My Jewish Learning
The United Synagogue of
Conservative Judaism
Conservative/Masorti Judaism
Jewish Virtual Library pertaining to Judaism, Israel, and the Holocaust
Alephbeta -Torah Study Online
Torah Anytime– Torah Study Online
Sefaria– Jewish Texts Free Online
Hebcal– Jewish Calendars, Torah Portions
Naaleh– Torah Study Online with emphasis on Family, Women, Spiritual & Lifestyle Lessons
Meaningful life Center– Mental & Spiritual Jewish Kabbalah health Teachings Online with Simon Jacobson
The Yeshiva Online with Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak (YY) Jacobson
Rabbi Manis Friedman– Relationships, Marriage, Jewish Lifestyle, Mental & Spiritual Coachings/Teachings Online
Daat Elyon Online -Mental & Spiritual Jewish Kabbalah with Rabbi Yoel Glick
Kosher Torah Kabbalah with R. Ariel B. Tzadok